Signage and Displays
From large interpretive signs (Tanner Springs) to Water Conservation Displays (How Your Lawn Grows). Always colorful! Always fun! Always informative!
If you have a big event or need a new sign, I can help.
The sign as it appears at the park.
Arch Bridge Project Signage The bridge was closing for over a year so a bus shuttle system was initiated to move people through the detoured route. I created the logo for this project and also this logo for the shuttle system AND also created these signs to notify the public.
Original concept
Logo design
Map creation
Prepare files for signage printing
Signs for a Public Outreach Event These were large, freestanding signs for a summer event promoting wise water use, for Clackamas River Providers.
Original concept
Original illustration
Prepare file for signage printing
How Our Community Water System Works This could be in many different categories! For Clackamas River Water Providers, designed for schoolchildren originally.
Original concept to incorporate multiple levels of information about water systems
Technical drawing
Confluence Art Talk Poster Advertising a one time event
Interpretive Sign on the North Santiam River This sign details the role our preservations efforts play in the threatened fish along the river. After last summer’s catastrophic wildfires this will be even more critical than ever. So much of the forest is gone. :((
Original concept and information about the watershed
100 Year Banner To celebrate the centennial celebration of the Historic Columbia River Highway. This sign is displayed at Cascade Locks.
Water Conservation Brochure This poster design was so popular it was repurposed several times by several water agencies. Originally commissioned by the Clackamas River Water Providers.
Concept and design and layout
Street Sign Topper I drew this house and little boy planting a tree for the Alameda Neighborhood Street Signs. They’re all over the Alameda neighborhood.